
The wetlands of the Midwest have been called wonderlands: havens for millions of migrating waterfowl, filters for our larger lakes, buffers against floods and droughts, and places of great natural beauty. A huge percentage of wetland acreage has been drained for agriculture and urban development, but what remains is beginning to be appreciated for its rich diversity and its critical link to environmental health. Wetlands in Your Pocket celebrates the plants and animals that call these wonderlands home.

A thriving wetland can be host to thousands of species. In this laminated pocket guide—the perfect waterproof companion to exploring marshes and prairie potholes—Mark Müller illustrates a hundred of the most common plants and animals to be found in wetlands six inches to six feet deep. From blueflag iris, rose mallow, and water horsetail to otter and bog lemming, from the yellow-headed blackbird to the swamp sparrow, southern leopard frog to tiger salamander, painted turtle to western ribbon snake, and green darner to whirligig beetle, Wetlands in Your Pocket is the ideal guide to identifying and enjoying the plants and animals that inhabit the priceless world of wetlands.

Praise for Bur Oak Guides

“Our customers love Prairie in Your Pocket. It's perfect not only for your pocket but for your backpack or on your car dash. We can't wait for more.”—Missouri Botanical Garden

Prairie in Your Pocket moves faster than a goldang prairie fire. I can't wait to see Iowa's next addition to their nature guide series.”—Jim Harris, Prairie Lights Books


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Publication Details

Publication Date
Pages, art, trim size
laminated fold-out guide, 100 color drawings, 16 3/4 x 16 7/8 inches folds to 4 1/8 x 9 inches