Introduction author(s)

This collection of ten short stories and one novella reintroduces a superb regional writer whose fiction, though firmly planted in the soil of the Midwest, stretches in significance to include all human drama.

Despite her wide experience, Ruth Suckow became and remained a writer interested in small-town and small-city life. All her fiction contains deep and penetrating insights into the motivations of characters who are upheld by their dreams, memories of small-town childhoods, and the need to make sense of the contrast between past and present, idealism and practicality, conformity and individualism. These expressive, resonant stories will be welcomed by all new readers and by Ruth Suckow fans everywhere.

"…in her sharp eye for the social structures of society and in the deep understanding of people and their motivations, she speaks in a universal voice."—Today's Woman
"These are jewel-like vignettes, dealing with the most ordinary, everyday situations but illumined with artistry and truth."—Grinnell Magazine
"These stories are good. Suckow has been largely forgotten by America. But like Willa Cather she transcends, at her best, the limitations of place and era, and speaks to us, as yet another contemporary of hers, Faulkner, did, from the depths of the human heart."—Virginia Quarterly Review


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Publication Details

Publication Details

Publication Date
Pages, art, trim size
328 pages